New concession contract for Natal Airport comes into force

New concession contract for Natal Airport comes into force

11 January 2024

National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) signed this Thursday, January 11, the service order that authorizes Zurich Airport to begin the process of gradually taking over the operations of São Gonçalo do Amarante Airport (ASGA), which serves the municipality of Natal (RN) and region. With the document, the concession contract for the country's first infrastructure re-tender becomes fully effective.

The approval of the Operational Transfer Plan (PTO) by ANAC, scheduled for the next few days, will begin the process of transition of command of operations at the airport.

São Gonçalo do Amarante Airport, first granted to the private sector in 2011, was the subject of the first infrastructure re-tender in Brazil, being sold by Zurich Airport at auction on May 19th for R$ 320 million, with a premium of 41% over the minimum bid.

Unprecedented process

On February 7, 2023, the ANAC Board approved the ASGA re-bidding notice. The re-bidding institute, which consists of a voluntary act of friendly return of the infrastructure asset, was made possible by Law No. 13.448, of June 5, 2017, and by Decree No. 9.957, of August 6, 2019. It involves an innovative mechanism that guarantees the continuity of the provision of services to users, while presenting itself as an effective solution for contracts whose concessionaires are unable to fulfill the obligations assumed.

After signing the contract, on September 12, 2023, the parties involved settled accounts with a view to paying compensation to Inframérica, the former concessionaire, for the investments made. The Federal Government settled the difference between the value offered by the proponent and the compensation paid by the winning bidder and, subsequently, the concessionaire that won the auction paid the initial contribution to the concessionaire that is leaving the concession.

“It was an unprecedented process in the country and which valued legal security, tranquility in the operational transition, lack of arbitration and cooperation from all parties involved”, stated the CEO of ANAC, Tiago Pereira.

ANAC Social Communication Office